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Adobe VIP Creative Cloud Enterprise Named (EDU) - RoboHelp Server for Enterprise

Adobe VIP Creative Cloud Enterprise Named (EDU) - RoboHelp Server for Enterprise

Product Information

Enhance and extend online help systems and knowledge bases
RoboHelp Server expands and supports the features of RoboHelp Office. Together these two products build the perfect solution for your help systems and knowledge databases.


RoboHelp Server 11

Windows Server (64 Bit only)

Operating system Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012
Processor 64-bit 4 vCpu Core i5 or faster processor
Hard disc 2 GB of available hard-disk space; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
JAVA Adobe RoboHelp Server supports the following:
Oracle JRE 8
Database Supported database management systems:
You can use the built-in Apache Derby database or select an external database to store reports and authentication information for RoboHelp Server. The following external database management system is supported:
Oracle 19c
Oracle 12c
Microsoft SQL Server 2017
Web servers Tomcat 8.0.32
Tomcat 8.5.0
Tomcat 9.0.37
Internet / Activation This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration required for software activation, validation of subscriptions and access to Online Services. Phone activation is not available.
Activation Required
Language versions English (only)
Languages for content 35+ languages, for example, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and many more.